
中国企业对柬埔寨直接投资特点、趋势与绩效分析 被引量:3

Analysis of the Characteristics,Tendency and Performance of Chinese Enterprises' Direct Investment in Cambodia
摘要 自中国-东盟自由贸易区启动以来,资本要素的国际移动日益频繁,中国企业对东盟国家的直接投资增长迅速,利用外资投资对全球经济的影响和作用日显突出,在各国经济活动中已经占重要的地位。 Since the Sino-ASEAN trade zone was established, capital factors moved more and more fre- quently around the world. The direct investment in Cambodia of Chinese enterprises grew sharply, and by using foreign investment, Chinese enterprises' influence on global economy became increasingly outstanding. By now, Chinese enterprises have been playing a role in many countries economic activity. In this paper, the characteris- tics, tendency and performance of Chinese enterprises direct investment in Cambodia were analyzed, and on this basis, policy suggestions were given.
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期71-76,共6页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
关键词 柬埔寨 直接投资投资特点 投资趋势 投资绩效 Cambodia Direct investment Investment characteristics Investment tendency Investment performance
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