

Effect of Droplet Spacing on Temperature Field of Uniform Metal Droplet Stream
摘要 针对均匀金属液滴喷射成形过程中的液滴流,建立了均匀液滴流的有限元模型。通过该模型考察了液滴间距对液滴流中各个液滴温度场的影响,并讨论了液滴流的传热系数和冷却速率。结果表明,当液滴间距与液滴直径比为2.8、5.6、8.4、11.1、13.9时,液滴的冷却速率、传热系数均远低于单个液滴,液滴间距对冷却过程的影响较大。随着液滴间距增大,液滴之间的相互影响减小。 A finite clement model for uniform metal droplet stream was developed. With the model, the effects of droplet spacing on the temperature field of the droplet were analyzed, and the convective heat transfer coefficient and cooling rate of the droplet were included. The calculation results show that the cooling rate and heat transfer coefficient of the droplets in the stream arc evidently lower than those of an isolated droplet when the ratio of droplet spacing and droplet diameter is 2.8, 5.6, R 4 11 1 and 13.9 resnectively. With the dronlet snacing increasing, the interaction between molten dronlets decreases.
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第22期48-51,共4页 Hot Working Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51005186 51105314) 高等学校学科创新引智计划项目(B08040) 凝固技术国家重点实验室基金项目(SKLSP201008)
关键词 均匀液滴流 液滴间距 有限元模型 温度场 焊料 uniform droplet stream droplet spacing finite element model temperature field solder
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