目的:比较正常庞特指数与AngleI错畸形庞特指数之间的差异,分析错畸形切牙牙冠与磨牙宽度之间的关系。方法:选取Angle I错畸形患者40例,取上下颌硅橡胶模型,使用三维扫描仪进行三维扫描,然后使用计算机正畸设计软件OrthoRx V3.20建立三维模型并进行数据处理,在模型上选取测量标志点对各项指标进行测量,最终应用spss17.0统计软件分析AngleI错与正常之间差异。结果:AngleI错畸形上颌庞特指数与以往研究一致,下颌前磨牙和磨牙间庞特指数有显著性差异。结论:AngleI错畸形患者上颌骨各部的发育比例与正常颌基本一致,下颌畸形形成因素较复杂,需要根据个体情况适当扩展牙弓宽度。
Objective: To analyse the correlation between pont's index of normal occlusion and Angle I malocclusion as well as incisor tooth size and arch width. Methods: 40 Angle I malocclusion were selected, silicone rubber impres- sion material of the maxillary and mandibular were taken. All impression were scaned by a special laser scanner and treated with OrthoRx V3.20 to install digital models, and then some landmarks were selected in the digital models. all data were analyzed by SpsslT. 0 to compare the differerce. Results: The correlation between maxillary ponfs in- dex of normal occlusion and Angle I malocclusion was in accordance with previous study. Howere, as well in man- dibular there were significant difference for index of premolar and molar. Conclusion: The growgh proportion of An- gle I maxillary are consistence with normal occlusion. The formative factor of mandibular was complicated. Individ- ual difference must be combined to the width of mandibular arch.
Journal of Oral Science Research