CHILL(CCITT 高级语言)是CCITT 80年代推荐的SPC 交换系统标准程序设计语言,它吸取了七十年代和八十年代初语言发展的长处,已成为可用于广泛领域的系统程序设计语言。并发是CHILL 的特征之一。在这方面,CHILL 定义了进程(并发执行单位)和用于进程间互斥、同步和通讯等操作的并发机构:区域、信号、缓冲区和事件。本文从CHILL编译系统的角度,着重讨论区域的设计实现方案。主要包括(1)区域操作原语的设计实现原则;(2)区域的动态管理。
CHILL (CCITT High-level language),Stored Program Control (SPC)switching systems standard programming language,is recommended by CCITT in the1980's.Drawing upon the best of the language developments of the 1970's and theearly part of the 1980's,CHILL is getting available for wide use.Concurrent execution is one of CHILL's characters.In this aspect,CHILL definesprocess(unit of concurrent execution) and provides region signals buffers events ofconcurrent execution means for mutual exclusion、synchronisation and communicationetc.between different processes.This paper from the compiler system design point ofview,focus on the region design and implementation scheme of the CHILL compilersystem,it consists of (1) region operation primitive design and implementationprinciple;(2) region dynamic supervision.
Computer Applications and Software