

A Research on the Route to Promote the Honor-and Disgrace-Outlook of Contemporary Chinese Affluent Class
摘要 当代中国已经形成了一个庞大的先富阶层,两极分化严重。当今富人已成为社会和谐稳定的一个支配性因素,可谓"贫富矛盾关天下,富人言行系太平"。富人荣辱观事关国家长治久安,事关中国能否跳出历史周期律、跨过"中等收入陷阱",事关中国道路、中国模式最终成败。富人荣辱观既受制于社会大环境,又有"极端贫困后遗症"在作怪,不能一概否定。要通过宣传教育,完善政策法规体制,帮助富人由"经济人"向"道德人"转换。尤其要抓好收入分配体制改革这一应急之策和加快民主政治建设这一治本之策,构建"富人不变坏,穷人赶上来"的和谐社会。 Up to now, there has formed a huge affluent class and a gulf between the rich and the poor. This affluent class has become a dominating factor in social harmony and stability, as the saying goes, "the conflicts between the rich and the poor matter much because the words and deeds of the rich have a lot to with social stability". The honor - and disgrace - concept is closely related to national administration and stability, which determines whether China can jump out of the so - called "historical cycle of rising and falling", cross the corresponding "middle - income trap", and realize the ultimate success of China Road or China Model. The honor - and disgrace - concept is influenced by the general social environment, such as "sequels of extreme pover- ty", and should not be dealt with simplistically. The rich should be helped to transform from an "economic person" to a "moral person" through propaganda and education, and through the betterment of policy and regulation system. At present, our urgent task is to carry out the stalling tactics concerning income allotment policy reform, while at the same time effect a permanent policy to quicken democracy construction, and thus to construct a harmonious society in which "the rich will not morally degrade and the poor can catch up".
作者 刘书越
出处 《南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期1-10,共10页 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金<当代中国先富阶层荣辱观研究> 项目批准号:07BKS041
关键词 先富阶层 荣辱观 提升路径 affluent class honor- and disgrace -concept the promotion route
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