

Purchasing Intention of Utilitarian and Hedonic Products under Different Discount Presentations
摘要 采用实验法实证分析基于享乐性产品和实用性产品,价格折扣表述形式对消费者购买意愿的影响,并引入价格折扣幅度作为价格折扣表述形式对实用性产品和享乐性产品购买意愿影响的调节变量。结果表明:对于实用性产品,较之百分比折扣,消费者在金额折扣表述形式下的购买意愿更高,并且当折扣幅度较大时,金额折扣表述形式更受青睐,但当折扣幅度较小时,两种折扣表述形式下的购买意愿没有显著差异;相反,对于享乐性产品,消费者在百分比折扣表述形式下表现出更高的购买意愿,当折扣幅度较小时,百分比折扣表述形式促销效果更好,当折扣幅度较大时,两种折扣表述形式的差别不大。 Percentage and dollar-amount discount presentations are frequently employed in retail price promotion, this paper uses the method of experiments empirical analysis to discuss how the different types of discount presentations will impact on the consumers' purchasing intention of the hedonic products and utilitarian products. At the same time, we also introduce the price discount level as a moderating variable to analysis the different two discount presentations' influence on consumers' purchasing intention of the two kinds of products.
作者 薛华 胡旺盛
出处 《皖西学院学报》 2012年第5期63-69,共7页 Journal of West Anhui University
基金 2012年安徽财经大学大学生科研创新基金项目(2011YJSCX037)
关键词 价格促销 价格折扣形式 折扣幅度 购买意愿 pricing strategy, discount presentations, discount level, purchasing intention
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