
ICU医院感染相关因素调查分析研究 被引量:4

Related factors for nosocomial infections in ICU
摘要 目的探讨并分析ICU医院感染的高危因素,为预防ICU医院感染的护理方法和措施提供依据。方法分析2010年1月-2011年12月ICU 345例住院患者,对其病例资料和临床症状的数据进行整理与量化,采用logistic软件进行回归分析。结果静脉导管感染患者28例,导管相关性感染率为8.1%,导管相关性血流感染患者22例,导管相关性血流感染率6.4%;感染细菌均为条件致病菌,共检出病原菌50株,其中导管感染检出23株,占46.0%,相关性血流感染检出27株,占54.0%;logistic回归分析显示,静脉导管感染的高危致病因素为药物的性质、化疗周期、导管堵塞及侵入性操作等。结论规范各项操作,严格按照操作流程使用医疗器械,合理使用药物,优化治疗手段,是预防ICU医院感染的有效措施。 OBJECTIVE To study the high risk factors for nosocomial infections in ICU so as to provide evidence for the nursing and prevention of nosocomial infections in ICU.METHODS A retrospective analysis was conducted for 345 patients who enrolled the ICU from Jan 2010 to Dec 2011,The statistics of the clinical data and clinical symptoms were collected and quantified,and the regression analysis was performed with logistic software.RESULTS There were 28(8.1%) patients with venous catheter-related infections and 22(6.4%) patients with catheter-related blood stream infections.All pathogens causing infections were opportunistic pathogens.A total of 50 strains of pathogens were isolated,including 23(46.0%) strains of pathogens causing catheter-related infections and 27(54.0%) strains of pathogens causing catheter-related blood stream infections.The logistic regression analysis revealed that the nature of drug,cycle of chemotherapy,catheter blockage,and invasive operation were the high risk factors for the venous catheter-related infections.CONCLUSION It is an effective way to prevent the nosocomial infections in ICU to regulate the operation,use medical devises in accordance with operation procedure,utilize antibiotics reasonably,and optimize the therapies.
出处 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第22期5001-5002,共2页 Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
关键词 重症监护病房 医院感染 危险因素 Intensive care unit Nosocomial infection Risk factor
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