
欧盟和中国食品安全风险评估的独立性原则之比较 被引量:3

Comparison of Independence Principle in UN's and China's Food Security Risk Assessment
摘要 在将独立性原则作为食品安全风险评估的一项法定原则的理由上,我国和欧盟存在惊人的相似,即为了恢复公众对各自的食品及食品安全监管制度的信任并确保食品安全风险评估结论的科学性。然而,在关于独立性的基本含义上,我国与欧盟之间存在重大差异,欧盟实现了风险评估与风险管理的分离;此外,在保障独立性原则得以有效实现的机制上,我国的食品法制尚未作出安排,而欧盟已经有一套较为成熟的体系。欧盟的保障独立性原则的机制的经验值得我国借鉴。 As for the reason of setting independence principle as a legal principle in food security risk assessment, China and the European Union are amazingly similar, i.e. in order to restore public's trust in respective food and related security supervision system and to ensure the scientific nature of the assessment. However, on the basic meaning of independence, there exists much difference, i.e. the European Union has realized the separation of risk assessment and risk management as well as effective realization mechanism of the independence principle but China has not, which deserve China's learning.
作者 杨小敏
出处 《行政法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期122-128,共7页 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW REVIEW
基金 国家社会科学基金:"我国食品安全风险评估制度的改革"(10CFX040)
关键词 欧盟 中国 食品安全风险评估 独立性原则 European Union China Food Security Risk Assessment Independence Principle
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