地球外部重力场的观测结果表明 ,地球外部等势面的形状与其静力学平衡形状是不同的 同时 ,地球动力学扁率的观测值与按照静力学平衡的地球模型PREM导出的计算值约相差1% 利用PREM给出的密度分布 。
The observed data of the Earth's gravitational field indicate that the figure of external equipotial surface of the Earth differs from the value given by the solution of hydrostatic equilibrium equation. Besides, the dynamical flattening of the Earth, as observed by geodetic techniques, is different by about 1 per cent from the value associated with the PREM density profile with hydrostatic equilibrium. Based on the theory of figure of the planets, the internal equipotential surface of a self gravitating, rotating mass in hydrostatic equilibrium is coincident with the equal density surface everywhere within the celestial body. Once the density distribution ρ(r) is known, one can obtain the profile of the flattening e(r) in the planetary interior. In this paper using the density distribution in the PREM, the author discusses two factors affecting the dynamical flattening of the Earth. From the calculated results the author comes to the following conclusions: (1)The density redistribution of the lower mantle, located under Earth's surface from 671 km to 2891 km, makes the value of dynamical flattening easily coincide with its observed one. (2)If the dynamical shape of the actual Earth represents the hydrostatic figure from a past geological age, it is the angular velocity from 9. 8×10 6 years ago that matches the Earth's dynamical flattening. This inference is difficult to confirm observationally, therefore nobody can confirm or deny it. However, it appears that the nonhydrostatic components of the Earth's shape not only relates to the present physical state within the Earth, but also reflects the effects of some factors during the whole history of its evolution. This result calls our attention to making careful investigation on the tide evolution of the Earth moon system, and checking whether or not some long term variation exists in Earth's physical parameters. (3) The results of the investigation with respect to the Earth's dynamical flattening can be used for reference in the domain of figure theory for other terrestrial planets. In particular, the influences of density redistribution within various interior zones on the Earth's flattening are different from each other. This conclusion might be used to study in the future the interior structure of Mars.
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)
国家自然科学基金重点项目资助课题!(No :198330 10 )