
一种分布式移动传感器负载均衡部署算法 被引量:5

A Distributed Load Balancing Deployment Algorithm in Mobile Sensor Networks
摘要 对于资源受限的移动传感器网络,为提高网络寿命或减少网络拥塞,往往可通过基于负载均衡的部署优化来实现。针对传感半径受限的移动传感器网络中的负载均衡部署问题,在确保无覆盖漏洞的前提下,基于Voronoi剖分和梯度法,提出一种分布式传感器控制算法。该算法只需单跳邻居的位置信息,因此可极大地降低通信负载和延时,且在特定网络中可直接由传感器自身观测得到而无需依赖通信,故可扩展性和鲁棒性较好,算法适用面广。相比传统的Voronoi质心算法,能得到负载更均衡的部署结果。 In a mobile sensor network (MSN) with limited resources, load balancing based deployment optimization is always deman- ded to enhance network lifetime or relieve network congestion. For the problem of load balancing deployment in a limited sensing range MSN with no coverage hole guarantee, this paper proposes a distributed Voronoi partition method and gradient based control algorithm. It only relies on the 1 - hop neighborhood location, and hence it can greatly decrease the communication load and time delay. Moreover, in certain networks, the neighbourhood information can be measured by sensors, and then the wireless communication is not necessary. Hence the algorithm is scalable and robust. Compared to traditional centroid Voronoi tessellation based algorithm, the algorithm pro- posed in this paper can obtain much better deployment in term of load balancing.
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1051-1054,共4页 Control Engineering of China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61174016) 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体科学基金项目(61021002)
关键词 部署 负载均衡 移动传感器 VORONOI图 sensor deployment load balancing mobile sensor network Voronoi diagram
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