目的了解护士(生)对正常和理想体形的认知现况,分析个体的体质量水平、体质量认知偏差对此种认知的影响。方法采用方便抽样方法,对上海市某两所三级医院的407名实习护生和某所三级医院的466名注册护士进行问卷调查。调查内容包括人口社会学特征、体重指数和感知体质量水平。并采用Stunkard体形评定图(figure rating scale,FRS)考察个体对两性正常和理想体形的认知。结果护士(生)对男性体形的FRS评分,无论是正常体形还是理想体形,均显著高于对女性相应体形的评分;护士(生)对理想体形的FRS评分,无论是评判男性还是评判女性,均显著低于对应正常体形的评分。护士(生)的体质量水平、体质量感知偏差与其对两性正常和理想体形的评判无显著相关。结论护士(生)更认同男性正常和理想体形应比女性相应体形“稍大”,而两性理想体形应比相应正常体形“稍小”。上述体形认知偏差对护士(生)临床实践的影响还有待进一步研究。
Objective To understand the perceptions of normal and ideal body size in registered nurses and nursing students, and to analyze the impacts of individual weight levels and mispereeption of body weight on their such cognitions. Methods A cross-sectional survey of 407 nursing students from two hospitals and 466 registered nurses from one hospital was conducted with the questionnaire survey. Soeiodemographic information, actual weight, perceived weight levels and scores for figure rating scale were included. Results FRS scores for normal and ideal body size to male were significantly higher than to female either in registered nurses or in nursing students; FRS scores for ideal body size to both sexes were significantly lower than those for normal body size among registered nurses and nursing students. There were no statistically significant associations between FRS scores for normal and ideal body size and in- dividuals' weight levels and misperceptions of body weight among registered nurses and nursing students. Conclusions There existed differences in rating female and male body size among registered nurses and nursing students, with "bigger" normal and ideal body sizes to male. Nurses preferred to "thinner" ideal body size in comparison to normal body size.
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
Registered nurses
Nursing students
Body image
Figure rating scale