采用近邻相互作用近似方法 ,计算了悬浮于液相中旋转椭球颗粒在外场下形成的不同结构的电偶极矩相互作用能 .发现相互作用能随c/a(c、a分别为椭球长、短半轴 )变化而变化 .这一现象显示悬浮颗粒的形状对电流变液的相互作用能有很大影响 .
Taking account of the interaction among limited distance neighbored chains, dipolar interaction energy per particle U for various structures is calculated. These structures are formed by the revolving solid ellipsoid particles suspended in a liquid. It is found that U varies with the change of t=c/a, where c and a are long and short axis, respectively. This indicates that the shape factor of solid suspended particles in ERF has an influence on the properties of ER fluids.
国家自然科学基金资助项目!(19834 0 2 )