促性腺激素诱导休情期母貂发情的结果表明 ,激素处理后 ,母貂均表现出不同程度的发情征状 :外阴肿胀、卵巢和子宫增重、血液雌二醇和孕酮水平升高 ;发情高潮时 ,卵巢和子宫质量达最大值 ,孕酮水平上升 ,雌二醇水平下降 ,这是母貂发情旺期的特征 .对各组激素作用的比较 ,确认 HCG是诱导休情期母貂发情的最佳激素 .
Experimental results indicated that after treatment with gonadotropins, the female minks in the various experimental groups showed the signs of sexual excitement in different degree: Swelling of external genitals, increasing in the weight of ovaries and uteruses, rising of the levels of the plasma estradiol and progesterone. When the minks came into "heat", the weight of ovaries and uteruses reached the maximal value, the level of progesterone rose , and that of estradiol decreased. By comparison, it is recognized that HCG is the optimal hormone in inducing the anestrous female minks to come into an estrous state.
Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)
湖北省科委基金资助项目!( 8810 6115 )