

Preliminary Discussion of Transcendental Evaluation
摘要 评价是教育学中的重要环节,而最广泛意义上的评价也是一种社会治理与控制。一般意义上,通常所指的评价与教育评价都是指基于过往经验的。本文试图从康德的先验判断力给予的洞见着手,结合精神现象学的理论,阐释相对于经验的先验评价以及体验性评价原则。希望可以给经验性评价某种启示与反思。 Evaluation or assessment is key to Education, and in the widest sense it is also a kind of social administration and domination. The usual-sense evaluation and educational assessment are all based on the past experience. This paper, from the perspective of the transcendental judgment which is a terminology invented by Kant, illuminates the principles of transcendental evaluation in contrast with experience and experiencing assessment in connection with phenomenologieal theory, in hopes of providing some revelations and reflections for the empirical evaluation.
作者 杨澄宇
出处 《江苏教育研究》 2012年第11期7-11,共5页 Jiangsu Education Research
关键词 经验评价 先验判断力 先验评价 体验评价 empirical evaluation transcendental judgment transcendental evaluation
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