
发展转型与自主创新:基于工业革命历史经验的讨论 被引量:7

Development Transformation and Indigenous Innovation:Experience from the Industrial Revolution
摘要 实现中国经济发展方式的转变是我们要继续完成的紧迫任务。中国拥有世界第二大的经济规模却依然需要通过发展转型来实现对发达国家的有效赶超,这是二战后新兴工业国家的赶超经验中所未见的。但西方国家在多次工业革命历程中转型升级的经验依然可以给予我们不少启示,即促进社会系统内知识基础与技能基础的融合互动是推动创新系统转型升级的核心,这种转型需要一系列的社会条件;而社会基础的僵化则很可能妨碍转型。文章结合中国当前发展实践,指出应总结、研究并扩散我国在自主创新中在组织创新、生态创新方面的经验,并充分发挥政府作用,以制度环境的创新来撬动经济发展模式转型。 It is a pressing task for China to transform its developmental pattern. Even as the second largest econ- omy globally, China is still urged to sustain its development through systemic reform, which is unique by com- paring any experience of successful NIS. As such, Western countries' experiences in the Industrial Revolution can shed light on such a topic. This paper argues that the key to fundamentally promote a national system of in- novation is to enhance the interaction between the socialinstitutions responsible for producing propositional knowledge and prescriptive knowledge. However, the rigidity of the social foundation may work against this. In order to gear up for social creativity, this paper emphasizes the role of the Chinese government and the diffusion of successful experiences from indigenous firms in organizational innovation, sectoral system innovation and in- stitutional innovation.
作者 封凯栋
出处 《经济社会体制比较》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期24-35,共12页 Comparative Economic & Social Systems
关键词 发展转型 工业革命 自主创新 社会基础 Development Transformation Industrial Revolution Indigenous Innovation Social Foundation
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