
区域因素对创业企业创新绩效影响探析——基于中国52个城市创业企业统计数据的研究 被引量:7

An Analysis of the Effects of the Regional Factor on Innovation Performance of—a Study Based on Statistics of Venture Enterprises in 52 Chinese Cities
摘要 企业、个人的创新是在一定的区域中进行的,必然受到区域的约束和影响。区域因素是如何影响企业创新绩效有的话题一直是国内外理论界、企业界的研究重点。本文基于中国52个城市6万多家企业的全样本进行统计分析和HLM模型检验,构建了理论模型,考察了区域因素对创业企业创新绩效的影响机理。 Innovation of either enterprises or individuals is achieved in a certain region, so it must be subjected to restriction and influence of the region. The issue of the effects of the regional factor on innova-tion performance of enterprises has been the research focus of both the academic world and the business world home and abroad. Based on the statistic analysis and HLM Model test of the full samples from over 60 thousand enterprises in 52 Chinese cities, the paper constructs a theoretical model and examines the mechanism of the effects of the regional factor on innovation performance of enterprises.
作者 郝敬鑫 杨忠
机构地区 南京大学商学院
出处 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期84-89,共6页 Jiangsu Social Sciences
关键词 区域因素 创业企业 创新绩效 regional factor venture enterprise innovation performance
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