
橡胶树树干注射乙烯利增产效应研究 被引量:1

Effect of Trunk Injection of Ethephon on Yield Increase of Hevea Brasiliensis
摘要 采用树干注射法在老龄RRIM600橡胶树上进行不同浓度不同剂量的乙烯利刺激试验,结合不同割面位置的乙烯利刺激增产效应进行研究后初步得出:树干注射0.05%的乙烯利2 mL以上即可获得和常规割面涂药法相当的产胶量,注射乙烯利浓度在1%以上其产胶量即可超过常规涂药法,且注药孔与割面的距离在50 cm以内能获得更高的干胶产量。而采用3%的乙烯利注射2 mL的方式可以获得比常规涂药法更高的产胶量,与不使用乙烯利刺激的胶树相比,其净增产率达到123%,是较为适宜的橡胶树树干注射乙烯利的使用浓度和使用量。 Experiments were conducted on Hevea brasiliensis of aging RRIM600 with ethephon of different concentrations, different dozes and different cut surface position by trunk injection. The results indicated preliminary that the latex production can gain the same production with conventional method of application which were both injected to 2 ml 0.05% ethephon, the latex production can be more than it using conventional method injected to above 1% ethephon in the condition that the distance of poring-drug holes and cut surface were under 50 cm. It also can be more production than it using conventional method injected 2 ml 3% ethel, and its net increase rate reached 123% comparing with not using tnmk injection, which is the suitable concentration and.usage for tnmk injection to Hevea brasiliensis with ethephon.
出处 《热带农业科学》 2012年第10期1-5,18,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Agriculture
基金 云南农垦重点科技计划项目"橡胶树注射输液新技术研究"(No.2009XJ04)
关键词 橡胶树 乙烯利 树干注射 增产增效 Hevea brasiliensis ethephon trunk injection increasing yield and efficiency
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