

The Conflicts of the Civilizations——The Wars in Gaul in The Gallic Wars
摘要 古罗马著名军事家与政治家凯撒在他的《高卢战记》中记述了罗马共和国末期进行的高卢战争。高卢战争的实质是不同文明在高卢地区彼此遭遇而发生的冲突,在冲突之中,正处于社会转型期的高卢人战败,其自发的社会转型被迫终止,最终在罗马人的统治下逐渐实现了向农耕社会的转型。 Caesar, the famous politician and strategist in ancient Rome, wrote the wars in Gaul in the last period of the Roman Republic in his The Gallic Wars. The essence of the wars in Gaul was the conflicts of the different civilizations which encountered each other in the area of Gaul. The Gauls were in a time of social transformation and were defeated in the conflicts, so their spontaneous social transformation was ended. But the Gauls gradually achieved their transformation to the agrarian society in the reign of the Romans.
出处 《绥化学院学报》 2012年第6期94-96,共3页 Journal of Suihua University
基金 云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目:"君士坦丁堡早期城市建设研究"(编号:2011c108) 昆明学院引进人才科研项目:"西罗马摄政斯提里科及其伊利里库姆合并计划"(编号:YJW11006)
关键词 凯撒 高卢战争 社会转型 Caesar the Gallic wars social transformation
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