
湖北省恩施自治州盐碘含量调查及普通人群适宜盐碘含量分析 被引量:5

Survey of salt iodine content and analysis of its appropriate level for the general population in Enshi Autonomous prefecture, Hubei province
摘要 目的通过对恩施自治州(恩施州)居民和生产企业盐碘含量的调查,研究盐碘含量20mg/kg±30%是否是恩施州普通人群适宜的盐碘含量。方法2011年,在恩施州的8个市(县)分别按东、西、南、北、中5个方位抽取9个乡镇(中位抽取1个乡镇),每个乡镇再按东、西、南、北4个方位抽取4个自然村,每个自然村抽取8户居民.采集家中盐样。对盐业生产企业湖北盐业集团有限公司恩施分公司分装的碘盐进行分时间、分批采样。盐碘测定采用直接滴定法。居民日人均食盐摄入量采用3日称量法,计算日人均碘盐摄入量。根据恩施州居民和生产企业盐碘含量、盐碘损失量、日人均碘盐摄入量,参考全国碘营养监测结果等计算恩施州普通人群适宜的盐碘含量。结果2011年恩施州居民盐碘中位数为33.5mg/kg,盐业生产企业盐碘中位数为34.7mg/kg,膳食调查居民日人均碘盐摄入量为10.9g,碘实际摄入量为335.0μg/d。盐碘含量为20mg/kg±30%时,碘实际摄入量为149.4—250.4μg/d。结论恩施州人群以往碘摄入量偏高。盐碘含量为20mg/kg±30%是恩施州普通人群适宜的盐碘含量。 Objective To work out the suitable iodine content in iodized salt among general population in Enshi Autonomous prefecture, Hubei province by determination of the iodine content in salt. Methods The method of direct titration was used to determine the iodine content in salt samples collected from residents in natural villages sampled from four directions of east, west, south and north in each township which was sampled from five directions of east, west, south, north and center in each city (county) in Enshi Autonomous prefecture, and salt samples were collected in Hubei Salt Industry Group Co., Limited. Enshi Branch in 2011. The method of throe-days weighing was used to estimate the resident's daily per capita intake of iodized salt. The appropriate iodine content for general population in salt was worked out according to the iodine content in salt from households and enterprises in Enshi Autonomous prefecture, the amount of iodine loss in iodized salt, the amount Of per capita daily intake of iodized salt and the national iodine nutrition monitoring results. Results The median of iodine content in salt from residents and the production enterprises in 2011 was 33.5 mg/kg and 34.7 mg/kg, respectively. The residents' per capita salt intake was 10.9 g, actual intake of iodine wss 335.0 μg/d. Iodine content in iodized salt was 20 mg/kg ± 30% for the general population, actual intake of iodine was 149.4 - 250.4 μg/d. Conclusions The residents iodine intake is higher in Enshi Autonomous prefecture. Considering the comprehensive factors, including food iodine, water iodine, and iodine cooking loss, that affect the intake of salt iodine, the appropriate iodine content in iodized salt is 20 mg/kg ± 30% for the general population.
出处 《中国地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期668-670,共3页 Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
基金 中央补助地方公共卫生专项资金地方病防治项目(2008)
关键词 盐碘 摄入量 结果评价 Salt iodine Intakes Outcome assessment
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