目的调查上海市54所医院肾脏内科医师对改善全球肾脏病预后组织(KDIGO)和肾脏疾病患者生存质量(KDOQI)慢性肾脏病矿物质和骨异常(CKD-MBD)指南的认同程度和目前临床实践情况。方法采取CKD-MBD调查问卷形式,分别给上海市具有独立肾脏内科的54所综合性医院发放CKD-MBD调查问卷科室版54份和医师版261份。结果 CKD-MBD科室版调查问卷的回收率为100.0%,医师版调查问卷的回收率为84.7%。22.2%的医院根据KDOQI指南治疗透析患者的CKD-MBD,20.4%的医院根据KDIGO指南,57.4%的医院同时结合两种指南。55.6%的医院认为指南执行顺利,三级医院指南执行顺利的比例显著高于二级医院(P<0.05)。几乎所有医院均开展血液生化检查,42.6%的医院开展25羟维生素D3[25(OH)D3]的检测,53.7%开展冠状动脉CT和腹部X线摄片检查,仅有18.5%的医院开展骨特异性碱性磷酸酶(bALP)的检测。行维持性血液透析患者中,正常血磷(0.80~1.78mmol/L)患者占39.6%,血钙2.10~2.54mmol/L占53.5%,全段甲状旁腺激素150~300pg/mL者占34.1%,三级医院生化指标正常的患者比例高于二级医院。行透析治疗的高磷血症患者中,92.6%的医院选择碳酸钙;38.9%的医院选择应用外科手术治疗严重的甲状旁腺机能亢进。结论目前上海市各医院肾脏内科医师主要根据KDOQI和KDIGO指南指导临床实践。CKD-MBD各指标的检测在三级医院中开展较好,bALP、25(OH)D3的检测和血管钙化检测仍存不足。行维持性血液透析患者高磷血症的发生率高,对其治疗尚缺乏有效的磷结合剂。
Objective To survey the clinic practices of Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) and Kidney Disease.. Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO} guidelines on chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD) in 54 hospitals in Shanghai. Methods CKD-MBD questionnaires were sent to 54 hospitals in Shanghai, including 54 department questionnaires and 261 physician questionnaires. Results Our survey achieved a 100.0 % response rate for department questionnaires and 84.7% for physician questionnaires. In all the 54 hospitals, the treatment of CKD-MBD was based on KDOQI guideline in 22.2% hospitals, on KDIGO guideline in 20.4 % hospitals and on both guidelines in 57.4 % hospitals. Guidelines were successfully performed in 55.6% hospitals. There was a higher proportion of successful implementation for guidelines in grade-three hospitals as compared with grade-two hospitals (P 〈 0. 05). Blood biochemical examinations were well developed. 42.6% hospitals developed 25(OH) D test, 53.7% hospitals made coronary CT angiography and lateral lumbar X-ray, while only 18. 5% hospitals developed bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (ALP) test. Serum phosphate maintained in 0.80-1.78 mmol/L in 39.6% maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients, serum calcium was in 2. 10- 2.54 mmol/L in 53.5% MHD patients, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) ranged 150- 300 pg/mL in 34.1% MHD patients. Calcium carbonate was used in 92.6% hospitals for MHD patients with hyperphosphatemia. Severe secondary hyperparathyroidism in MHD patients were treated by surgery in 38.9% hospitals. Conclusion Nephrelogists in Shanghai take KDOQI and KDIGO as main clinical practice guidelines. Blood biochemical examinations are well developed in grade-three hospitals. But it is important to improve the monitoring of bone-specific ALP, 25 (OH) D3 and the detection of vascular calcification. There is a high prevalence of hyperphosphatemia in MHD patients, and effective phosphate-binder for the treatment is needed.
Shanghai Medical Journal
Mutiple center
Chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder
Kidney Disease limproving Global Outcomes