Ningnan County,located at 26°50′12″-27°18′34″N, 102°27′44″- 102°55′09″E,is a multinational agricultural county in the mountainous region. Its land area is 1,675km2(the length from south to north is 52. 0km and the width from east to west is 4 3. 5km), in which the cultivated land area is 114km2,the land area used for forest is 1,028km2(including the land under forest is 367km2), grassland area is 53km2, wasteland area is 333km2 and other land area is 147km2. The total population of Ningnan County is 15×10~4 (among them the population of Yizhu and others national minorities are 3×10~4) and the agricultural population occupies 93%.In 1989,the grain output of the county is 56×10~6kg and per farmer is 402kg. The total production value of industry and agriculture is 8,854×10~4yuan (industrial production value occupying 41 %). Per farmer income is 480yuan.The Heishui River, flowing from northwest to southeast, passes through the county. The height difference between the ridges and valleys is 2,000-3,000m. The eastern Ningnan is situated on the west bank of the Jinsha River, with height difference of 2,500-3,000m, and belongs to dry-hot valley.The county is situated in subtropical zone, belonging to dry-warm climate. The mean annual temperature is 19. 3℃,≥10℃ accumulated temperature is 6,483℃. The frostless season is 320d,annual sunshine rate is 51%,annual sunshine duration is 2,263h,the radiant intensity is 535,000-565,000J/cm2· a,annual precipitation is 970mm (91% is from May to Oct. ), annual relative humidity is 64%. The vartical differentiation of climate is obvious.The soil is suitable for growing grain crops,especially sugarcane,mulberry,tung tree,toba-coo and fruit, etc.In order to use the favourable climatic condition and resource superiority,it is necessary to comprehensively develop agriculture in this county. The comprehensive development ways of agriculture; 1. to strengthen the construction of water conservancy, forestry, road and energy sources,etc. and develop processing industry; 2. to define the direction and targets of development on the basis of the local superiorities; 3. to increase the agricultural investment; 4. to pursure and perfect the responsible system for agricultural production; 5. to do well the works of science and technology promoting agriculture.
Sichuan Province,Ningnan County,comprehensive development of agriculture, agricultural production,resource superiority