目的 了解重庆市成年男性对包皮环切手术的认知水平,为开发包皮环切手术健康宣教材料提供科学依据。方法 于2009年11月-12月采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,对重庆市常住人口和流动人口对包皮环切手术相关知识的认知水平作现况调查。结果 在1502名调查对象中,83.36%的人听说过包皮环切手术,年龄为27~35岁、文化程度为大专及以上的人群较其他人群知晓率更高(P均<0.05)。35.70%的人群知道包皮过长有致阴茎癌的危险,18.30%的人知道包皮环切可以预防艾滋病及其他性传播疾病,31.70%的人认为包皮环切可以提高性功能。包皮环切手术的接受意愿为43.94%,不同文化程度的人群包皮环切手术接受意愿存在统计学差异(P<0.05),常住人口较流动人口包皮环切手术接受意愿更高(P<0.05)。结论 重庆市人群对包皮环切手术的相关知识掌握较差,对包皮环切手术的认知水平处于"广泛听说但缺乏深入了解"阶段。应有针对性地开发健康教育材料,加强健康宣教,提高包皮环切手术率。
Objective To investigate the knowledge level of Circumcision in adult male of Chongqing, provide the sci- entific basis for developing circumcision health education materials. Methods This study investigated the related knowledge level of circumcision with Inhabitants and migrants which applied multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method during November to December in 2009. Results In 1502 investigator objects, 83.36% participants had heard about circumcision, the awareness of people whose age between 27 ~ 35 and high education were higher than other people ( all P 〈 0.05 ). 35.70% participants had known that too long wrapping will cause the phallic cancer, 18.30% participants had known that circumcision can prevent AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, 31.70% participants thought that circumcision can improve sexual function. There was 43.94% of population were willing to accept the circumcision, the willingness of cir- cumcision of crowd with different education had statistical difference ( P 〈 0.05 ), the willingness of circumci- sion of inhabitants were higher than migrants (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion People in this area have low circum- cision related knowledge, the cognitive level is "widely heard but lack of understanding" stage, we should develop nichetargeting health education materials, improve health education and increase the circumcision rate.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology