
论产业生态化的两种形式及其耦合 被引量:5

On Two Forms of Ecological Industry and the Coupling
摘要 "产品-产品"循环是一种以产品为主角的产业生态化,"产品-废物-产品"循环是一种以"废物"再利用为核心的产业生态化。耦合既是客观事物之间的一种作用方式和机制,也是优化系统的一种创新手段。若能在上述两种产业生态化之间建立起一种优化的生态化耦合关系,将形成"资源-产业-环境"全生态化耦合优化机制,利用这种机制构建的技术经济模式可称之为耦合循环经济。这种经济模式有助于产业结构的生态化优化和升级,有助于自然资源的减量采掘和污染物的减量排放,有助于社会经济资源的综合利用。耦合循环经济将是实现经济社会与自然生态环境协调可持续发展的有效途径。 The 'product-product' cycle is one form of ecological innovation of industry centered on the products,while the 'product-waste-product' cycle is another form with the recycling of the waste as the core aim.Coupling is not only the way and mechanism of things linking each other in the objective world,but a means of system innovation and optimization.If an optimized ecological coupling relationship could be established between the two cycles mentioned above,a fully optimized 'resources-industry-environment' ecological coupling mechanism will come into being.The technological and economic model based on it could be called coupled recycling economy.This kind of economic model contributes to the ecological optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure,the less exploitation of natural resources and emission of pollutants as well as the overall utilization of the socio-economic resources.Coupled recycling economy will be an effective way to the harmonized and sustainable development of the society,economy and ecological natural environment.
作者 王国印
出处 《当代经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期7-12,93,共6页 Contemporary Economic Research
基金 河南省中原发展研究基金会项目(201105) 河南大学省部共建科研项目(SBGJ090112)
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