目的运用彩色多普勒检测重度子痫前期治疗中肾段动脉(SRA)血流参数的变化。方法对45例重度子痫前期患者在治疗不同时段运用彩色多普勒超声检测SRA搏动指数(PI)、阻力指数(RI)及收缩期最高流速与舒张期流速之比(S/D)等有关血流参数。结果观察组有60%的患者在治疗12~24h后,PI值、RI值和S/D数值即有不同程度的下降,72h后100%的患者其血流参数均有明显下降。同时检查眼底血管及尿蛋白均无明显变化。结论 SRAPI值、RI值和S/D值等血流参数是观察重度子痫前期疗效的敏感指标,在临床上具有很好的应用价值。
OBJECTIVE By using color doppler to observe the changes of renal segmental arteries(SRA)blood flow parameters during treatment of severe preeclampsia.METHODS 45 cases of severe preeclampsia were measured with color doppler ultrasound during the treatment of different periods and the detected blood flow parameters including pulsatility index(PI),resistance index(RI) and the ratio of systolic maximum velocity and diastolic velocity(S/D).RESULTS The blood flow parameters PI,RI,and S/D ratio had different degrees of decline than before treatment with the 60% of cases in the observation group after treatment 12~24 hours,and the blood flow parameters were significantly reduced after treatment 72 hours with all of cases,at the same time checked the retinal vascular and urinary protein were not change significantly.CONCLUSION Blood flow parameters of SRA were sensitive indicators to observe the severe preeclampsia,and had a good application value in clinical practice.
Chinese Primary Health Care
severe preeclampsia
blood flow parameters of renal segmental artery
color doppler ultrasound