
影视文化产品的SNS营销研究——基于技术接受模型 被引量:1

SNS marketing research:film and television culturd products based on technology acceptance model
摘要 从行为科学的视角,以技术接受模型为基础,并结合SNS营销,通过问卷调查和结构方程统计分析,对影视文化产品SNS营销进行了实证研究。结果表明:基于SNS传播的具有交互性和广泛性的信息,可以增强用户对影视文化产品的关注,但是由于在用户体验和消费者需求挖掘上的欠缺,使得用户使用行为并不能带来直接的消费意愿。影视文化产品本身的品质是主导因素,因此在良好口碑的基础上进行SNS营销取得成功的可能性更大,而在SNS基础上建立的企业社会资本使得产品具有很强的可识别性,从而能够对消费行为起到引导作用。 From the angle of behavior science,technology acceptance model as the basis,combined with the SNS marketing,through the questionnaire survey and the structure equation of statistical analysis,the movie and television culture products SNS marketing conducted empirical research. The results showed that:Based on the SNS communication with interactive and comprehensive information,can enhance the user television cultural products concern,but due to the user experience and the lack of consumer demand mining,allows the user to use behavior and can not bring direct consumption desire. The quality of the product itself is the dominant factor,therefore the good reputation on the basis of SNS marketing are more likely to succeed,and set up on the basis of SNS enterprise social capital endows the product with very strong identification, so as to be able to play a guiding role in consumers behavior.
作者 吴长田 李敏
出处 《科技与管理》 2012年第6期91-96,共6页 Science-Technology and Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学项目(10YJA860009) 江苏省社会科学基金项目重点项目(09EYA004) 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目(2011ZDIXM012)
关键词 技术接受模型 SNS 影视文化产品 营销 technology acceptance model SNS film &television cultural products marketing
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