Whether the working memory (WM) representation could top-to-down guide the visual attention to select the relevant distractor in visual search is still controversial. Some researchers did find the WM based at- tentional guidance while others did not. The issue that what factors contribute to this discrepancy is also illusive yet. In order to resolve this issue, here, we designed three experiments in which the participants were required to perform a visual search task during the period of keeping some objects in WM. In Experiment 1, after exclu- ding the possible influences from WM load and search difficulty in the experiment 5 of Olivers (2009), we ob- served equivalent guidance effect both in fixed- and varied-target visual search. This result disobeyed the expla- nation that the visual search type was the key factor to determine whether the attentional guidance has been ob- served or not in the previous studies. Experiments 2 and 3 were to testify whether or not the stimulus attributes of WM representation determining the guidance could be observed. When the WM representation lacked attrib- utes that could guide attention in Experiment 2, we failed to observe any guidance effect. However, when the representation included some effective attributes to guide attention, such as color and shape, we observed stable guidance effect at all detected time course. These results in the present study suggested that the attentional guid- ance from WM was to some degree depended on whether the presentation involved effective attributes for guiding attention, but not visual search type.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition
working memory representation
stimulus attribute
visual search type
attentional guidance