
山东省枣庄传统饮食文化资源的开发 被引量:1

Development of Traditional Food Culture Resource in Zaozhuang City
摘要 山东省枣庄传统饮食文化资源开发具有优越的条件,饮食文化源远流长,饮食原料资源丰富,饮食品种繁多,具有典型的地方饮食特色、浓郁清新的风味、健康的营养搭配、成熟的传统工艺、别具特色的饮食器具。文中探讨了饮食文化资源开发存在的问题,包括原料资源遭受破坏、许多饮食项目遗失、工艺被盲目窜改、外来饮食文化的冲击等。提出应加强传统饮食文化研究、保护与开发饮食文化资源、筛选核心品种、进行品牌保护等政策建议与对策。 Zaozhuang has favorable conditions of the traditional food culture resources development, and its food culture has a long his- tory. Its diet resources of raw materials is rich, variety of diet is wide, and has typical local food specialties, rich and fresh flavor and healthy nutrition, mature and traditional crafts, and distinctive eating utensils. The paper explored the problems of food culture resource de- velopment, and found that raw material resources were destructed, many food items were missing, the process was blindly tampered with, and was under the impact of foreign food culture. Countermeasures to strengthen the traditional food culture, diet and cultural resources pro- tection and development, and screen the core species, and brand protection were put forward.
机构地区 枣庄职业学院
出处 《中国食物与营养》 2012年第11期27-30,共4页 Food and Nutrition in China
基金 枣庄市软科学"枣庄饮食文化旅游资源开发研究"(项目编号:201116)
关键词 枣庄 传统 饮食 文化 资源 开发 Zaozhuaug traditional diet culture resource development
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