传统基于Bpel的服务组合方式可以满足业务流程相对稳定的业务需求,但在灵活多变的业务环境中,流程可能会不定时变化,此时需要人工暂停服务、修改流程、生成Bpel文件、重新部署发布等繁琐操作,这显然难以满足快速灵活的业务部署需求。此外,为了支持有人工活动参与的服务,基于Bpel的SOA平台大多采用异步回调来实现,但这种实现手段通常需要保留回调句柄,无形中增加了平台构件之间的耦合性,不符合SOA的基本特性。文章研究了一种基于事件驱动的SOA服务组合方式,通过事件处理引擎驱动服务,并可以通过配置业务规则来实现服务之间组合协作,解决传统基于Bpel组合方式的不足。在此基础上,文章搭建了一个基于事件驱动的SOA平台Swift ED-SOA,并通过应用实例验证了ED-SOA的可行性。
The traditional way of services combination based on Bpel may meet the requirements when the business process is fixed.However,in flexible business environment,service process may change regularly.To fit these changes,it needs a series of manual work such as suspending the service,modifying process,generating process documents and so on,which seems to be extremely complicated and rigid.In addition,asynchronous callback is usually used to make SOA platform based on Bpel to support asynchronous service,but this measure needs to keep the callback handle,which may increase coupling between SOA components.So it does not meet the basic characteristic of SOA.This paper puts forward a new way of combining SOA services,in which services are driven by event and the combination and cooperation of services are realized by configuration business rules.The shortcomings of traditional service combination based on Bpel can be solved by these means.On this basis,this paper sets up an event-driven SOA platform Swift ED-SOA,and an application example is presented for verifying the feasibility of ED-SOA.
Computer & Digital Engineering