为分析杭州市上塘河流域现状防洪能力,对杭州市上塘河流域骨干河道进行概化,利用MIKE11/SO水工建筑物模块模拟河网内各种水工建筑物的位置、规模及调度原则,建立上塘河流域MIKE11一维水动力模型。结果表明,上塘河流域内河河网骨干河道现状防洪能力不足20 a一遇,上塘河现状防洪能力不足10 a一遇,整个上塘河流域现状防洪能力不足10 a一遇。MIKE11/SO水工建筑物模块具有灵活性强、调节功能强大等突出优点,为各种水工建筑物模拟提供了一种便捷、行之有效的解决办法。
To study the present flood control capacity of the Shangtang river basin in Hangzhou City, generalized river network was established based on these main channels of this river. Combined with the simulation of their position, size and dispatching principle of hydraulic structures in plain river network regions using MIKEll/SO hydraulic structure model, MIKEll 1-D hydrodynamic mode| of the Shangtang River basin was estabhshed. The results revealed that the present flood capacity of these main channels of the Shangtang river basin in Hangzhou doesn't reach the 20-year return flood standard, and the Shangtang river doesn't reach the 10 - year return flood standard. Therefore, the present flood capacity of the whole Shangtang river basin in Hangzhou is below the 10-year return flood standard. MIKEll/SO hydraulic structure model had such good characteristics as strong flexibility, huge adjustment actions of hydraulic structures and so on. The model provided a new convenient and effective way to the simulation of hydraulic structures and its application in the hydraulic calculations of flood control could be popularized in plain river network regions.
Zhejiang Hydrotechnics
Shangtang river
river basin
flood control capacity
1-D hydrodynamic model
hydraulic structure