
从并肩抗日到抗美援朝--以东北革命根据地为中心的中朝关系 被引量:3

From the War of Resistance against Japan to the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea——The Sino-Korean Relationship Centered on the Northeast Revolutionary Base
摘要 中朝关系源远流长。新中国与朝鲜的友好关系是在中国东北地区培育起来的。九一八事变后,中朝抗联战士共同打击日本关东军,鲜血流在一起,中朝友谊关系从此肇端。抗战胜利后,以金日成为首的朝鲜抗联战士回国建立了朝鲜民主主义共和国,留在中国东北的朝鲜抗联战士与华北朝鲜义勇军在东北建立了3个朝鲜师,与东北民主联军共同打击国民党军队;朝鲜则成为东北民主联军"隐蔽的后方",对东北革命根据地提供了全面的支援。东北根据地与朝鲜这一特殊关系奠定了中朝两国友好关系的基础。中国人民志愿军入朝帮助朝鲜人民军抗击美国侵略者,是从抗日战争到解放战争时期中朝人民在东北并肩作战的逻辑发展。 Though the relationship between China and Korea was of long standing and well established,the good relationship between the People's Republic of China and Korea was cultivated in the Northeast region. After the September Eighteenth Incident,the Chinese and Korean soldiers of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Amalgamated Army attacked the Japanese Kwantung Army together and shed blood together,thus beginning the friendly relationship between China and Korea. After the victory in the Anti-Japanese War,the Korean soldiers of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Amalgamated Army returned to Korea under Kim Il-Sung's leadership and established the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The Korean soldiers who remained in Northeast China and Korean volunteers in North China formed three Korean divisions in Northeast China,fighting against the Guomindang Army together with the Northeast Democratic Allied Army. Korea became a 'hidden reserve'for the Northeast Democratic Allied Army and provided overall support to the Northeast Revolutionary Base. This special relationship between the Northeast Base and Korea set the basis for friendly relations between China and Korea thereafter. The entrance of the Chinese People's Volunteers Army into Korea to help the Korean People's Army fight against the American invaders was a logical development of the Chinese and Korean people fighting shoulder to shoulder in Northeast China from the Resistance War against Japan to the War of Liberation.
作者 薛衔天
出处 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期61-72,160-161,共12页 Modern Chinese History Studies
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