
基于云计算的安全审计系统研究与设计 被引量:14

Research and Design on Security Audit System Based on Cloud Computing
摘要 近年来云计算成为互联网时代的一种重要应用模式。本文针对云计算环境现状入手,分析云计算平台存在的问题,并给出了为解决这些问题而设计的基于云计算安全审计系统的软件设计方案等。该系统实现了在云计算环境下对虚拟行为的全程审计与监控。为安全审计技术在云计算安全领域的应用提供了可借鉴的思路。 In recent years , Cloud computing has become an important application mode of the internet age. This paper analyzes the security issues existing in the cloud computing platform and presents software design of the security audit system based cloud computing, which can audit and monitor the whole progress of virtual behavior in cloud computing environment. The success of this system may provide some useful thoughts for the application of security audit technology in the field of cloud computing security.
作者 鲍伟民
出处 《软件产业与工程》 2012年第6期41-45,共5页
关键词 云计算技术 安全审计系统 虚拟化 Cloud Computing Technology Security Audit System Virtualization
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