

Expression of Wnt-3a on the Pre-implantation of Both Mouse Parthenogenetic and Normal Embryos
摘要 为了研究Wnt-3a在小鼠着床前,孤雌囊胚和正常胚胎上的表达差异情况。采用激光扫描共聚焦显微技术和半定量RT-PCR检测方法,对孤雌囊胚和正常囊胚上Wnt-3a的表达以及分布情况进行定性和定量的检测。利用激光扫描共聚焦显微技术检测发现:在着床前的小鼠孤雌囊胚和正常囊胚上都有Wnt-3a蛋白质的表达,且只在滋养层细胞中表达;通过半定量RT-PCR检测发现:着床前小鼠孤雌胚胎与正常胚胎相比,Wnt-3a的转录水平没有显著性差异。所以Wnt-3a在着床前小鼠孤雌胚胎和正常胚胎中都有表达;而且其转录水平在这2种胚胎中没有显著性差异。 This experiment was aimed to investigate the expression of Wnt-3a on the pre-implantation of both mouse parthenogenetic and normal embryos.In this study,Wnt-3a protein and mRNA be detected and analyzed by laser scanning confocal microscope and semi-quantitative RT-PCR.The results of laser scanning confocal microscope were shown that Wnt-3a protein was only detected on trophoblast cell of both normal and parthenogenetic embryos.The results of semi-quantitative RT-PCR were shown that the transcription level of Wnt-3a have no distinct difference between normal and parthenogenetic embryos.Collectively,it could be concluded that there was expression of Wnt-3a on both normal and parthenogenetic embryos,and there existed no distinct difference of transcription level between normal and parthenogenetic embryos.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2012年第29期20-24,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家自然基金面上资助项目"不同来源植入前期绵羊胚胎IFNτ差异表达及其体外诱导子宫上皮细胞Galectin 15表达的研究"(31072185) 国家自然基金面上资助项目"IFNτ协调galectin 15对绵羊体外胚胎着床调节机制的研究"(30871836)
关键词 小鼠 孤雌胚胎 Wnt-3a 激光共聚焦 半定量RT-PCR mouse parthenogenetic embryo Wnt-3a laser scanning confocal microscope semi-quantitative RT-PCR
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