
翻堆频率对中药渣堆肥过程及其理化性质的影响 被引量:15

Effects of Turning Frequency on Chemical and Physical Properties in Windrow Composting of Spent Chinese Herbal Medicine
摘要 为了研究翻堆频率对中药渣堆肥过程及其理化性质的影响,采用中试规模的条垛式堆肥系统,研究了中药渣堆肥过程中温度、全碳、全氮、全磷、全钾、C/N、pH、GI及表观特征变化和堆肥产品的质量特征。试验设6个处理,分别为:不翻堆(A1)、每5天翻一次(A2)、每10天翻一次(A3)、每15天翻一次(A4)、每20天翻一次(A5)、每25天翻一次(A6)。结果表明:高温(≥50℃)持续时间以A3最长,达44天;与A1相比,A4、A5和A6的全碳含量分别减少了0.35%、1.73%和1.61%;A2、A3、A4和A6的全氮含量分别减少了5.32%、8.40%、5.25%和1.44%;A2、A3、A4、A5和A6的全磷含量且分别增加了4.82%、9.64%、6.83%、8.03%和2.01%;A2、A3、A4、A5和A6的全钾含量分别增加了6.18%、5.38%、2.96%、8.33%和4.03%;GI分别提高了35.15%、33.23%、31.30%、28.89%和17.01%,而C/N和pH差异不大。成熟中药渣中的C含量为36.0%,N含量比猪粪、鸡粪、羊粪、鸭粪及鹅粪分别高25.97%、17.12%、28.81%、41.20%和41.91%。综合分析各影响因素后认为,在中试规模的条垛式堆肥系统中进行中药渣堆肥时,以每10天翻堆一次较为适宜。 In order to investigate the effects of turning frequency on composting process and chemical and physical properties of spent Chinese herbal medicine,a pilot scale windrow trial was run for 80 days to test the variations of temperature,total contents of carbon,nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,C/N ratio,pH,GI and apparent properties and compost quality during composting process of spent Chinese herbal medicine at different turning frequencies.There were six treatments:no turning(A1),once per five days(A2),once per ten days(A3),once per fifteen days(A4),once per twenty days(A5) and once per twenty-five days(A6).The results were obtained as following:the longest duration of high temperature(≥50℃) was found in A3,up to 44 days.Compared to A1,carbon contents of A4,A5,and A6 were reduced by 0.35%,1.73% and 1.61%,respectively.Total nitrogen contents of A2,A3,A4 and A6 reduced by 5.32%,8.40%,5.25% and 1.44%,respectively;while total phosphorus contents of A2,A3,A4,A5,and A6 increased by 4.82%,9.64%,6.83%,8.03% and 2.01%,respectively,and total potassium content of A2,A3,A4,A5 and A6 increased by 6.18%,5.38%,2.96%,8.33% and 8.03%,respectively.GI increased by 35.15%,33.23%,31.3%,28.89% and 17.01%,respectively,but variations of C/N and pH in six treatments had small differences.Carbon content of matured compost of spent Chinese herbal medicine was 36.0%,and nitrogen content was 25.97%,17.12%,28.81%,41.20% and 41.91% higher than swine manure,chicken manure,sheep manure,duck and goose excrement,respectively.In comprehensive analysis of the factors evaluated,our research concluded that the turning frequency of once per ten days should be recommended for a pilot scale of windrow composting of Chinese herbal medicine.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2012年第29期247-252,共6页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 甘肃省中药材产业科技攻关项目"中药渣堆肥化及中药材功能性专用肥研究与示范"(GYC09-11)
关键词 堆肥 中药渣 翻堆频率 理化性质 composting spent Chinese herbal medicine turning frequency physicochemical properties
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