
沧州地区小麦越冬期温度条件的年际变化研究 被引量:1

Interannual Change of Temperature Conditions During Wheat Over-wintering in Cangzhou Area
摘要 为了了解沧州地区小麦冻害的发生规律和影响因素,采用查阅小麦越冬期温度条件的历史数据并进行统计分析的方法,对1970—2009年该地区小麦越冬期温度条件的年际变化规律进行研究。结果表明:冬前积温、秋季降温幅度、年负积温、1月极端高温和春季降温幅度等5个温度指标在年际之间差异很大,某些年份一个或几个指标出现不利的极端值则可能引发小麦冻害;除年负积温与1月极端高温存在极显著的正相关之外,其他指标之间的相关不显著;冬前积温、年负积温等指标在不同年代之间发生波动。这些结果对深入认识该地区小麦冻害的发生规律具有一定的参考价值。 In order to understand the occurrence regularity and influence factors of winter wheat freeze injury in Cangzhou area, by methods of consulting the temperature history data and statistical analysis, the interannual variation regularity of temperature conditions during wheat over-wintering stage was studied in Cangzhou area for 1970-2009. The results showed that, the indicators, including accumulated temperature before winter, autumn temperature cooling rate, annual negative accumulated temperature, January extreme high temperature and spring temperature cooling rate, differed significantly. In some years, adverse extreme values of one or several indicators might trigger a wheat freeze injury. Except the significantly positive correlation between annual negative accumulated temperature and January extreme high temperature, the other correlation between indicators was not significant. The fluctuation of accumulated temperature before winter and autumn temperature cooling rate occurred in different decades. These results had a certain reference value for in-depth understanding of wheat freezing injury regularity in this area.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2012年第30期6-10,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目"黄淮海平原作物节能减蒸综合技术"(2007BAD69B05)
关键词 小麦 冻害 温度指标 沧州地区 wheat freezing injury temperature conditions Cangzhou area
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