
大学生自我同一性与成就动机关系 被引量:3

The Relationship Between College Students' Self-Identity And Achievement Motivation
摘要 采用自我同一性地位测定量表与成就动机测定量表对395名大学生进行测定,研究自我同一性与成就动机的关系。结果表明:(1)自我同一性在"现在的投入"与"将来的愿望"两维度上分别与成就动机以及成就动机的追求成功维度上呈显著相关,与避免失败的维度呈显著负相关;(2)随着自我同一性地位的提高,成就动机的水平也在提高;(3)自我同一性的"现在的投入"与"将来的愿望"两维度能对成就动机及其维度产生显著预测力,同时"现在的投入"的预测力最大。 In order to analyze the relationship between self - identity and achievement motivation ,395 college students were measured with Self identity Status Scale and Achievement Motivation Scale(AMS). Tile results are as follow: 1 ) The present input and the will of future input are significantly related to Ms( the motive to approach success) positively, but to Mf ( the mo tive to avoid failure)negatively;2) As the self identity status improved, the achievement motivation scores also increased;3 ) No matter in Ms or Mf, the present input and the will of future input were both the significant predictable factors of achievement motivation , and the present input was supposed to be the best predictor.
作者 梁宏宇
机构地区 哈尔滨师范大学
出处 《鸡西大学学报(综合版)》 2012年第11期19-21,共3页 JOurnal of Jixi University:comprehensive Edition
基金 哈尔滨师范大学第五届创新基金项目 项目编号20100049 指导教师:刘爱书
关键词 自我同一性 成就动机 大学生 self - identity achievement motivation college students
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