Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) is a retrieval system published by Cambridge Information Group. With a history of more than 30 years, the company is an important publisher of publishing abstracts and indexes with agent centers in Britain, France, Austral- ia, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Hong Kong China. The products include traditional printed abstracting and indexing jour- nals, a variety of electronic database which are retrieved through remote on-line and CD-ROM. Recently, the CSA launched network based (IDS) services, which can retrieve hundreds of databases provided by CSA and CSA publishing partners.
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) is a retrieval system published by Cambridge Information Group. With a history of more than 30 years, the company is an important publisher of publishing abstracts and indexes with agent centers in Britain, France, Austral- ia, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Hong Kong China. The products include traditional printed abstracting and indexing jour- nals, a variety of electronic database which are retrieved through remote on-line and CD-ROM. Recently, the CSA launched network based (IDS) services, which can retrieve hundreds of databases provided by CSA and CSA publishing partners.