
后危机时代国际投资法的转型——兼谈中国的状况 被引量:12

Transformation of International Investment Law in the Post-Crisis Era
摘要 后危机时代,国际投资法的转型表现在国际投资条约内容的新发展和仲裁实践的再调整。这种转型的推动力是各国对新自由主义的反思,以及学者和非政府组织对国际投资体制的批判。中国兼具资本输入国与输出国的双重身份,是国际投资法转型的代表和中坚力量。国际投资法的转型表明,国际经济新秩序在国际投资法领域得到了某种程度的承认,但实质上只是对国际既有经济秩序的改良而已。中国在考虑制定新的高水平BIT范本时,应当审慎平衡投资者和国家利益,完善对二者的保护。 In the post-crisis era, the transformation of international investment law is reflected in the new development of international investment treaties and readjustment of arbitration practices. The common trend is to rebalanee the rights and obligations between the host state and the investor. The causes of transformation include reflections to Neo-liberalism by countries and criticisms to international investment system by scholars and NGOs. China has double status as capital import and export country, which makes it the representative and hard core of international investment law transformation no less than the United States. The transformation shows that the argument of new international economic order gets confirmation to some extent, but in essence, it is only some reform to existing order. China should balance the benefits between the host state and foreign investors prudently when considering new high-level model BIT.
作者 韩秀丽
机构地区 厦门大学法学院
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期17-24,共8页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"促进与保护我国海外投资的法律体制研究"(09&ZD032) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"国际经济争端解决在环境保护中的作用--兼论中国政府环境规制权行使的界限"(09YJC820061) 教育部2011年度新世纪优秀人才支持计划"中国在国际法院与法庭的实践--国际经济法视角"(NCET-11-0292)
关键词 国际投资法 新自由主义 国际经济新秩序 international investment law, new international economic order, Neo-liberalism
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