
基于GIS农业生态气候适宜性评价及农业优化布局研究——以关中地区为例(英文) 被引量:2

Assessment of Climate for Agricultural Suitability and Optimal Allocation of Agricultural Production in the Guanzhong Region, Shaanxi Province
摘要 本文采用关中地区长时间序列气象站点农业气候观测数据,借助气象数据空间化模型,对主要农业气候要素进行空间栅格化。在此基础上,运用模糊数学方法,构建农业气候生态适宜性测评模型,对关中地区农业气候生态适宜度进行100m×100m小网格尺度上综合评价,依据评价结果和关中地区农业发展实际需求,提出关中地区农业发展优化布局分区和可持续农业发展战略。研究结果表明:关中地区的农业生态气候适宜性资源指数空间差异显著,呈现出北低南高,纬度地带性规律比较明显;效能指数空间分异呈现为南北低中部高格局。资源指数与效能指数北部都较低,但北部的光照条件较好,关中地区的农业生产布局应该充分利用北部的光照条件与南部的降水与湿度条件,因地制宜的进行农业的生产的空间布局,加强农田水利设施建设,破除水资源约束瓶颈。从关中农业资源环境本底出发,对关中农业生产布局进行优化分区,可将分为五个大区,即渭北旱塬区,充分利用光照和温差自然条件,应大力发展林果基地,同时拓展林果加工产业链。平原灌溉区,结合水热组合条件,建设规模成片的高标准基本农田,大力发展现代化农业模式的小麦生产基地,大中城市周围应大力发展蔬菜基地。秦岭北坡区,水源涵养功能突出,大力发展观光生态农业,同时加大中药材等农副业的发展。大荔沙区,应积极植树造林,改造沙荒,积极发展粮果套种,果菜套种。泾渭黄洛滩涂地区,应当因地利用丰富的水资源,开发渔业和发展综合的农林牧业,沿河两岸建设护岸林带,营造速生产林,发展沿河的乡村旅游产业。 Based on spatial climatic data of agriculture and the experiment data, the models of agro-ecological assessment of climate for agricultural suitability in this study were developed using the fuzzy mathematical method. Three coefficients, in- cluding the resource coefficient (Cr), the efficiency coefficient (Ce), and the utility co- efficient (K), were used in the models, which were calculated based on temperature, moisture, and sunshine duration data of Guanzhong region, Shaanxi Province. The results indicated that resource coefficient was higher in west of the region than that in east, and higher in south (especially in the Central Shaanxi Plain) than that in the Weibei plateau. The value of Cr changed from 6.5 to 9.2 from north to plain area. Spatial change of efficiency coefficient was obvious, lower in the northeast than in the central plain, and the value of Ce changed from 2.3 to 6.5 from the northeast to the central plain. As for utility coefficient, it was lower in northeastern part of the Weibei plateau and in southern mountain areas than that in the central plain, showing significant latitudinal zonality. Furthermore, the value of K increased from 0.35 to 0.78 from northeast to the central plain, and decreased from 0.78 to 0.53 from the central plain to southern mountain areas. These indicated that climate resource in the central plain region was more abundant and potential, compared with other regions. GuanZhong region was classified into three larger agricultural zones and three small independent zones, according to agro-ecological assessment. Light, heat and water resources should be made use of in an efficient way in spatial allo- cation of agricultural production. For example, water facilities should also be im- proved in Weibei plateau region where highly-qualified fruit should be enhanced and fruit processing industrial chain should be shaped. Large-scale production area of wheat should be increased in central irrigation region and more vegetable bases should be developed around large and medium-scale cities. Thanks for outstanding water conservation function, the three-dimensional agriculture including medicine and other sideline production should be developed in Qinling Mountains and the special- ized commercial agriculture should be accelerated in independent small zones, ac- cording to local conditions. In the research, different crop varieties were developed in corresponding regions as per current eco-climatic conditions.
出处 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2379-2384,2448,共7页 农业科学与技术(英文版)
基金 National Natural Science Foundation of China(41130748 41101162 41001374 41101165) Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX2-YW-QN304)~~
关键词 陕西关中地区 农业生产 生态评估 气候变化 陕西省 优化配置 适宜性 关中平原 Assessment of climate for agricultural suitability Optimal allocation ofagricultural production Guanzhong region
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