

The Impact of External Suppliers on Advanced Payment Financing of Assembly Systems
摘要 研究了有外部供应商与无外部供应商时装配商对供应商的最优融资决策和供应商的最优生产决策,并比较了两种情况下的融资效率。结果表明:不存在外部供应商时,装配商向供应商的融资受装配系统内每个供应商成本及自有资金的影响,而存在外部供应商时,装配商向各个供应商的融资决策是独立的;与无外部供应商时对比,存在外部供应商时资金约束的供应商需要拥有更多的自有资金量,才能达到无资金约束下的最优产量,并且竞争程度越高,所需的自有资金量越多。最后通过数值分析验证了结论。 This paper studies the assembler' s optimal financing decision and the suppliers' optimal production decisions when there exists external supplier and when there does not exist external supplier and compare financing efficiency in these two situations. Result shown that when there does not exist external supplier, the assembler' s financing decision to one sup- plier will be influenced by production costs and initial capital of every supplier in assembly systems; however, when there exists external supplier, the assembler' s financing decisions to each supplier are independent. It is also shown when there exists external supplier, capital-constrained supplier needs more initial capital to realize the optimal production quantity without capital constraint than that when there does not exist external supplier and the higher the competitive extent is, the more capital are needed. Finally, the numerical study is given to demonstrate the conclusions.
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期125-129,共5页 Soft Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71072063) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71001063) 上海哲学社会科学规划课题(2012BGL011)
关键词 供应链管理 资金约束 提前付款融资 装配系统 supply chain management capital constraint advanced payment financing assembly systems
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