
追求卓越:英才教育与国家发展--突破我国英才教育的认识误区与政策障碍 被引量:69

Striving for Excellence:Gifted Education and National Development——To Break Through the Misunderstanding and Obstacle of Policy of Gifted Education in China
摘要 英才是国家战略性资源,是人力资源中最稀缺的资源,发展英才教育是提高国家核心竞争力的战略选择。英才教育与教育公平政策并不冲突,反而是实现人的充分发展、促进教育公平的重要手段。尽管改革开放以来我国英才教育有一定发展,但与许多国家相比依然比较落后,要解决存在的突出问题,必须走出有关英才教育的认识误区,完善英才教育政策与立法,制定多样性的英才儿童选拔标准并在全国范围内对于英才儿童进行系统甄选,建立健全英才教育体系和英才培养模式,加强教师队伍建设并提高英才教育研究的质量,为英才教育提供坚实的人力支持和智力支持。 The gifted person is not only the national strategic resource, but also the most scarce resource of human resources, and developing gifted education is the strategic choice for a country to promote the core competitiveness. There is no conflict between gifted education and the policy of education equity; on the contrary, gifted education is the important approach to realizing the sufficient development and promoting educational equity. Although the opening up and reform has witnessed some development of gifted education in China, comparing with many countries, China still lags backward. To solve the prominent problems, we should break through the misunderstanding of gifted education, complete the policy and legislation of gifted education, formulate diversified selecting standards for gifted children and carry through systematic selection for gifted children nationwide, establish'perfect gifted education system and cultivating model for gifted person, reinforce the construction of teaching staff, and improve the quality of gifted person research, so as to offer sound support of manpower and intelligence.
作者 褚宏启
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期28-35,67,共9页 Educational Research
基金 国家社会科学基金“十二五”规划教育学重点课题“以科学发展为主题转变教育发展方式研究”(课题批准号:AFA110001) 北京师范大学“985工程”资助项目“英才教育与国家发展”的阶段性成果
关键词 英才教育 英才儿童 国家发展 教育公平 因材施教 gifted education, gifted children, national development, educational equity, teaching students inaccordance of their aptitudes
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