

Selection of Coded Modulation Scheme Based on Mutual Information Analysis
摘要 在数字通信系统中,将信道编码和调制技术结合在一起可以得到许多编码调制方案。有些编码调制方案可以达到相同的频谱效率,但传输可靠性并不相同。提出了一种基于互信息分析的编码调制方案选择方法,通过计算星座受限条件下的信道容量,根据给定的信道条件,选择合适的编码调制方案。 In digital communication system, the combination of channel encoding and modulation leads to different coded modulation schemes. Some of them can achieve the same channel efficiency but obtain different transmission reliability. In this paper, a mutual information analysis method is proposed to help select the proper coded modulation scheme for specified channel conditions, which is based on the computation of channel capacity under limited constellation condition.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2012年第23期1-3,共3页 Video Engineering
基金 国家"863"计划项目(2012AA011704) 清华大学自主科研计划(2010THZ02263)
关键词 互信息 编码调制 星座受限 mutual information coded modulation limited constellation
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