Based on the analysis of China' s TFP factors in 1987 - 2010, this study found the presence and increase of knowledge spillovers of CrossBorder M&A. Second, this study analyzed the positive and converse effects of spillovers of FDI including Cross - Border M&A. The research found that spillovers of FDI have two ways of spray: horizontal overflow within industry (model effects, competition effects, and labor market) and vertical overflow (backward and forward overflow). Vertical spillovers are larger than horizontal spillovers. Compared with Greenfield investment, from the sources of knowledge spillovers of FDI, spillovers of crossborder M&A have bigger and faster innovation and growth impact on host countries. Finally, this chapter analyzed the reverse knowledge spillovers, which are realized mainly by OFDI. Based on regression analysis of panel data of 15 countries, this chapter found the existence of reverse knowledge spiUovers but such spillovei,s is not as significant as those generated by Greenfield investment.
Finance & Economics