
面向控制网络的交换机调度机制研究 被引量:2

Scheduling mechanism of switched Ethernet for control network
摘要 针对基于虚拟输出排队的输入队列交换机应用于控制网络所存在的诸多困难,提出了一种新的输入队列交换机结构,并根据新的结构设计了一种基于记录矩阵和需求矩阵的信元传输顺序控制方案,以解决交换机中存在的信元行为及时延的不确定性问题。交换机采用两级调度机制,链接调度提供分级服务,交换调度实现端口匹配,以适应控制网络的流量特征。 Considering the challenges in the application of the virtual-output-queue based input-queue switches to control network, a new switch structure is proposed in this paper. Accordingly, the switch structure based on the record matrix and demand matrix sequence control of the cell, which eliminates the uncertainty of cells' behavior and delay in switches, is designed. The characteristics of the traffic in control network are taken into account and a two-level scheduling mechanism is applied. The link scheduler provides the class of service while the switch scheduler is responsible for the match.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2012年第34期33-39,49,共8页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.50675166 No.50620130441)
关键词 交换式以太网 控制网络 调度 switched ethemet control network scheduling
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