
从普遍语法到动态语法:一个范式的转换 被引量:2

From universal grammar to dynamic grammar:a transformation of paradigm
摘要 从普遍语法到动态语法的发展是从静态到动态、从普适到变异、从连续到非连续、从一致和规范到混沌和复杂、从符号和逻辑到认知和图式的范式转换。动态语法通过其独特的数学模型、引子句法、力动态等方法解析了句法和语义的双层架构及其时空维度的相互关联性,并在此基础上奠定了自己的语法机制及其体系。 The evolution from universal grammar to dynamic grammar is a transformation from static,universal,continuous,integral and normal,and symbolic and logical paradigm to dynamic,variable,discontinuous,chaotic and complex,and cognitive and schematic paradigm.Through its unique mathematical models,attractor syntax,force dynamics and other methods,dynamic grammar analyses and interprets the double frameworks of syntax and semantics and their interconnectedness under the dimensions of time and space,on the basis of which it builds up its own grammatical mechanisms and system.
作者 王涛
出处 《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期112-115,136,共4页 Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)
基金 2010年江苏省社科基金项目"动态系统理论与二语习得研究"(10YYB014)阶段性成果
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