At the beginning of the 21st century, a significant change of the American force armament devel- opment rudder took place that the Department of Defense (DoD) determined to execute the capabili- ties-based planning rather than the former threats-based planning. The objective of the capabilities-based planning is to develop and maintain air, space, and information dominance on battlefields. Americas Air Force Vision 2020 is illustrative of the DoD capabilities-based planning process. It lays out the Air Force concept of operations (CONOPs): global strike, global mobility, global persistent attack, space and com- mand, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (space and C4ISR), and agile combat support. The missions require several propulsion capabilities: high speed turbine engine, ram/scramjet/PDE, rocket propulsion, combined cycle, and ultra efficient propulsion. Extensive re- search is already done in America. Great technology evolution is obtained.
Gas Turbine Experiment and Research