目的 :探索降低反流胆汁中胆酸浓度的有效国产药物。方法 :以凹凸棒石粉或双八面体蒙脱石 (思密达 )吸附胆汁反流症患者胃液 ,检测并比较吸附前后胃液总胆酸和三羟胆酸含量 ,同时比较凹凸棒石粉剂和双八面体蒙脱石对胆酸的吸附能力。结果 :吸附前三羟胆酸和总胆酸含量分别为 (10 5 .71± 43.35 )μg/ ml和 (2 71.5 0± 77.5 0 )μmol/ L ,经凹凸棒石粉或双八面体蒙脱石吸附后三羟胆酸含量分别为 (32 .32± 18.36 )μg/ m l和 (2 9.13± 17.0 2 )μg/ ml,总胆酸含量分别为 (130 .0 1± 30 .94)μm ol / L与 (76 .90± 41.80 )μm ol/ L ,吸附前后三羟胆酸和总胆酸含量有显著差异 (P<0 .0 1) ,而经凹凸棒石粉或双八面体蒙脱石吸附后三羟胆酸和总胆酸含量无显著差异 (P>0 .0 5 )。 结论 :凹凸棒石粉对胆酸有较强的吸附作用 ,与双八面体蒙脱石无显著差异 ,有良好的临床应用前景。
Objective: To search for effective drug that can lower the concentration of cholic acid in the regurgitation bile. Methods: Convex concave barstone powder or smecta was added to the gastric juice from patients with bile regurgitation, total cholic acid and trihydrocholic acid were detected.Chi square was used to assay if the concentration of total cholic acid and trihydrocholic acid in gastric juice were reduced due to the addition of convex concave barstone powder or smecta, and to compare the absorption of convex cancace barstone powder to smecta. Results: Before convex concave barstone powder or smecta′s addition, trihydrocholic acid and total cholic acid in gastric juice were (105.71±43.35)μg/ml and (271.50±77.50) μmol/L respectively.After absorption by convex concave barstone powder, trihydrocholic acid and total cholic acid were (32 32±18.36)μg/ml and (130.01±30.94)μmol/L ,which were (29.13±17.02) μg/ml and (76.90±41.80) μmol/L after absorbed by smecta, trihydrocholic acid and total cholic acid were reduced obviously ( P <0.01) due to absorption, there was no obvious difference between convex concave barstone powder and smecta in their absorption to cholic acid. Conclusion: Convex concave barstone powder can absorb cholic acid in gastric juice effectively as smecta, this means convex concave barstone powder can at least partly replace smecta to act as an effective drug for bile regurgitation related diseases, and can be used as a drug to protect gastrointestinal tract mucosa.
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University
cholic acid
bile reflux
convex concave barstone powder