2012年8月29日,BP集团首席技术官大卫·艾顿(David Eyton)应邀到中国工程院发表演讲,从国际视角介绍了能源资源及其制约因素,以及技术和工程设计在资源勘探、开采和节能等领域所发挥的作用。本刊根据其演讲内容,整理如下。
On August 29th, 2012, David Eyton, Chief Technology Officer of BP, delivered a speech at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, where he introduced energy resources and their limits from an international standpoint, and the role of technology and engineering design in fields such as resource prospecting, exploitation and energy conservation. Eyton said that, at the global level, the availability of oil and gas resources was not a challenge since the price, a key factor in guiding energy consumption and promoting resource exploitation, would continue to play a role. However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to produce enough oil and gas to meet global demand. In addition, costs were rising, and there were many challenges, including safety and risk management, prospecting and production of oil and gas in remote areas, improving energy efficiency, and climatechange and limited natural resources. Faced with these challenges, great expectations are placed on technological advance and wise policy support is needed in order to create a powerful alliance to jointly address energy challenges.
International Petroleum Economics