The concept of subject-academic competence is the core of an achievement test and the key content of test validity. Using the Framework of Assessment Design, the author discusses the relationships between the Student Model of the Framework and the Subject Content Standards as well as the problems with which determine the concept and structure of subject-academic competence based on subject content standards, and introduces the procedures of writing them. The author alsoshows the concept and structure of the Achievement Test for the Essences of Politics, Economics and Philosophy of Shanghai High School. Item constructing, assembling and scoring scale making are central tasks of developing an achievement test. According to the Task Model and Scoring Model of the Framework For Assessment Design, we must assure that every item should measure the cognitive skill and subject knowledge of test takers, make the alignment of the cognitive skill and knowledge with that of the subject content standards and of the scoring criteria, and the scoring levels should reflect the differences of the test takers on the cognitive skill and knowledge. The high quality test also needs that the subject competence and knowledge structures of the test should align with that of the content standards. In the current test background of China, however, it is quite difficult to do that. In Shanghai Achievement Tests development, we just require that the test content domains should be consistent with that of the content standards, and every domain should involve the knowledge contents as many as possible and the main contents of the domains should be preferred.
Examinations Research
Achievement Test, The Concept of Subject Competence, Cognitive Structure, Knowledge Structure, Test Development