
某市2家机械制造企业噪声接触人员听力防护调查 被引量:14

Survey on hearing protection of noise exposure population from 2 machine manufacturing enterprises in a city
摘要 目的通过了解噪声作业人员个体防护设备的使用及认知情况,找出问题,为今后制定防护对策提供可靠的依据。方法以宜兴市2家噪声危害比较严重的机械制造企业作为调查对象,2011年9月通过问卷和现场调查获得个人防护用品使用情况及噪声防护的认知情况;用国产HS6288B噪声频谱分析仪检测车间噪声;噪声性耳聋由具有诊断资质机构的医师集体依据GBZ 49-2007《职业性噪声聋诊断标准》进行诊断。结果 9个车间中4个车间的噪声超过85 dB(A),最高达92.1 dB(A);听力检查发现有高频听力损失者34人,检出率为14.8%,发现噪声聋患者7人,检出率为3.0%;2个企业的噪声接触人员耳塞佩戴培训率为66.1%,参加噪声危害教育率比较低,为42.2%;全程佩戴耳塞的人员为67.8%,能够完全正确佩戴耳塞的人员仅占18.7%,不戴耳塞的主要原因是与人交流不方便,占48.9%;噪声危害的知晓率为71.7%;正确使用防护用品的知晓率为63.0%。结论企业需要采取综合性的措施提高噪声作业人员耳塞的正确佩戴率,才能达到保护作业人员健康的目的。 [Objective] To understand the rates of proper using and knowing of personal hearing protector,to find out the problems,and provide reliable basis for future effective intervention measures.[Methods]The survey was carried out in two machinery manufacturing enterprises with serious noise hazards in Yixing City.The data of proper using and knowing of personal hearing protector was obtained by on-site investigation and questionnaires in September,2011.The noise intensity was detected by domestic HS6288B sound meter.The patients with occupational hearing deafness were diagnosed by certified doctors from certified medical organization of occupational diseases.[Results] The noise intensities in 4 of 9 workshops were over 85 dB(A),in which the maximum was 92.1 dB(A).It was found that 34 workers were with high-frequency hearing loss and 7 workers with noise induced deafness,the detective rates were 14.8% and 3.0% respectively.The rates of earplug wearing training and noise hazardous education for the noise exposure workers were 66.0% and 42.2%.67.8% noise exposure workers were always wearing earplugs during their working and only 18.7% workers could wear ear plugs correctly.The main reason for workers without earplugs were interference communicating with the people with rate of 48.9%.Only 71.7% workers had the knowledge of noise hazard and 63.0% worker knew how to use the earplug correctly.[Conclusion]The enterprises need to take comprehensive measures to improve the rate of ear plug wearing correctly,so as to protect the workers' health.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2012年第21期2591-2593,共3页 Occupation and Health
关键词 噪声 听力防护 知晓率 调查 Noise Hearing protection Awareness Survey
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