目的通过了解不同性别免费师范生对校园中一些不健康行为(如吸烟、饮酒及减肥)的态度、对健康知识的需求以及认同的健康教育形式,以探究免费师范生健康教育时的性别差异因素及相关对策。方法分层随机抽样该校15个专业免费师范生共计1 428名,采用自制的纸质调查问卷,内容包括学生基本情况、对待不健康生活行为的态度、对待形体的态度、最想了解的医学保健知识以及所能接受的健康知识传播方式等。数据采用EpiData3.0建立数据库,SPSS11.0软件进行统计分析。结果 (1)男生对待吸烟、饮酒等不健康行为态度宽容;(2)女生更加注重形体,首选的减肥方法为运动减肥;(3)最想了解的医学健康知识为急救知识,其次为生殖与性健康和传染病知识;(4)最认同的健康教育形式是阅读相关资料,健康教育讲座、社会实践这两种形式也颇受欢迎。结论性别差异确实客观存在,将在今后的健康教育中充分考虑这种群体差异,尝试采取不同的教育形式,适时增减健康教育的内容,以提高免费师范生的基本素质。
Objective To explore the gender differences in the health education of tuition-free normal university students and the related countermeasures by investigating the attitude towards some unhealthy behaviors such as smoking,alcohol consumption and weight-losing in different gender students,their demands for health knowledge and their identified forms of health education.Methods The clustering stratified random sampling was adopted to select 1 428 tuition-free normal university students from 15 majors by using the self-designed paper questionnaire.The questionnaire included the following information:the student′s basic situation,attitudes to unhealthy life behaviors and their figure,health knowledge that they mostly want to know,the acceptable way of the health knowledge transmission and so on.All data were input into EpiData 3.0 for establishing the databank and statistically analyzed by SPSS 11.0 software.Results(1)The male students were tolerant to the unhealthy behaviors like smoking,alcohol consumption and so on.(2)The female students concerned more about the figure and the preferred way of weight-losing was sports.(3)The health knowledge that they want to know first was first-aid,and then reproductive and sexual health as well as infectious disease.(4)The most acceptable form of health education was reading the related materials;lectures on health education and social practice were also popular ways.Conclusion The gender differences exist objectively.We will sufficiently consider the group differences in the future health education,adopt different educational forms,and timely adjust the educational contents in order to improve the basic qualities of the tuition-free normal university students.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
Health education
Sex factors
Tuition-free normal university students